How much does a website cost?
That’s kind of like asking “How much does a car cost?”. The pricing is going to depend on how you want it to look and what you want it to do. There are so many options. We can build a basic, brochure website that is just information and photos or you could want forms, maps, integrations with your company software. Contact us, let us walk through the process with you. We don’t charge anything for design consultations.
How long will it take to build my website?
Well… that depends… again, how many elements are we building and integrating? Generally speaking, most websites can be built, content created and launched within 6 to 8 weeks of design approval.
On a turkey, what is the name of that red thing that hangs down over the beak?
That thing is officially called a “wattle” but people in the turkey industry usually use the nickname “snood”. In the Victorian era a snood was the name for the hair nets women wore for decoration and became popular in WWII to prevent women’s hair from getting stuck in machinery. No one really knows which came first.
Will we be able to make changes ourselves?
Absolutely, yes you can. We build most of our websites in WordPress and once we have completed development, you will have a user name and password and we can walk you through how to make your edits. Once it’s developed, it’s pretty easy to do.
What do you need from me to build my website?
You can be as involved in the content creation as you want to be. We have content creators, photographers, videographers, developers and designers. You can provide photos and full write-ups for every page or you can give us a brief outline of what you want to create and we can do. We do ask that you provide us with the expertise that you have in your field as we are marketers and web developers – we don’t always know the ins and outs of your industry and the needs of your customers.
Why is the McFlurry machine at McDonald’s always broken?
We can’t confidentially confirm this answer but it seems that the McFlurry machine is a nasty little bacteria producer that has to be cleaned well and often. Rumor has it there is a four-hour cleaning cycle that involves breaking down the parts.. cleaning, sanitizing and rinsing. Statistically speaking, we probably all want a milkshake at closing time.